Monday, December 24, 2007

Live Young,Die Rich&Famous

Pimp if you want me you can find me in the A! im offically in the dirty south,yeaaahhh, visiting family,specifically my great grandmother.97 years old and still doing it. one thing about this life,you never want to live with any regrets.go out happy,and knowing you lived how YOU wanted to.dont want to get cheesy on yall,but try to enjoy your fam as much as you can during is short,live young and with purpose everyday. living the VICE LIFE can be whatever you want it to be.enjoying the city,the nightlife or gettin money. dope fashion,good drinks,hoes,sex and clothes,lol,enjoy your life. always remember you only have one life. live it the way it should be lived. ok so on that note,till i get back. heres where you can catch me,and i hope to catch some of you cool kids there too.happy holidays.BUY LUPE FIASCO'S ALBUM!!with all the crappy music out now,you'll need it!"peace up,A town down!"

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